Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Heavens to Murgatroid

Does anyone care that China seems to be buying up trillions of dollars of American debt? Does it matter that someday soon the United States will be owned by Bejing? Why should we care about the future of Social Security or Medicare when the future of our nation appears to be headed the same direction? And what does all this have to do with the price of rice in China?

Simply put, my twenty-one-year-old daughter's reaction to the above questions. That's what. Here I was, waxing morose and doing the best Chicken Little imitation I could, when she simply answered all my questions with "That's why it's so good that we have a loving family and good friends".

I forget so easily that Love bears all things.


Blogger Mel said...

i love you daddy!

7:50 AM  

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