Cat Space

Why can't cats be more like dogs? Not the drooly, smelly, goofusy part of dogs. I mean, why can't cats be more loyal, more willing, more reliable? It's not that the cat in our house isn't lovable - its just that he messes with people just because he can. This rogue is smart, conniving, and manipulative. I'm amazed that the people who live in this house have allowed his treachery to be rewarded by daily feeding and pampering with soft pillows and fluffy blankets. Surely, if he had to fend for himself by catching rats and birds to survive, he would be more appreciative of the fine accomodations in the house. Rather, he assumes that the fabric attached to any piece of furniture was designed only to help him obtain sharper claws. This is also his automatic door opening device. After a few minutes of shredding the arm of the sofa, he runs for the door, because, after all, bad cats must be put outside. Now all our funiture bears the marks of his desire to go outside. Once liberated from from the claustrophobic domicile, he immediatedly runs to the back porch, where he begins shredding the sliding door screen, with one sad intention. He wants back inside.
And regretably, once he is allowed back in, the insideous procedure begins all over again. I shave the hair on my scalp because it prevents me the pain of pulling it out by the roots. How much is the cat like each one of us, needing to be constantly reaffirmed and provided for? And obviously, in charge.